Contingency Planning & Outsourcing, Inc.
Software and Services for Disaster Recovery, Business Continuity,
COOP and Emergency Management
Over the years, consultants have been using the CPO customer’s licensed CPOtracker system
to develop, manage and maintain the client’s plans. Some consultants have developed plans for
the CPO customer and turned the ongoing maintenance over to the client while others have
established an ongoing maintenance arrangement.
CPO realized that CPOtracker’s unique features and capabilities supported the consultant’s
need to quickly and easily develop plans and continue to maintain those plans going forward
with a minimum level of effort. However, just like with other planning tools, the client had to
license the tool and make it available to the consultant.
© Contingency Planning & Outsourcing, Inc. 2016
Develop plans for the client and provide ongoing maintenance, provide scheduled updates of plan supporting
information and updated plans as desired. Consider the following:
In this case, the client does not have to go through the timely and expensive process of buying a planning tool
The client’s employees don’t have to learn another software tool.
The client will work with the consultant to provide information for the consultant to develop the plan(s). The
planning process can begin in a shorter period of time and result in having the plan in a shorter period of time
with less distraction to the client’s core business.
In many cases where this service can be applied, it can be proven that the consultant can develop plans for the
client in a shorter period of time at a lesser expense than the client can do it.
And, with additional service provided as described below, the client retains the option to bring the ongoing
maintenance in-house at any time in the future and retain the consultant for ongoing planning support at
whatever level desired.
Develop plans for your client with no ongoing maintenance arrangement. In this case, the consultant can archive the
plans for possible future use if the client should choose to have the plans updated at some time in the distant future.
If the client prefers to take over the maintenance of the plan the consultant developed, the consultant can sell the
client a hosting license (SaaS) to the CPOtracker system and transfer the populated database from the consultant’s
CPOtracker system to the client’s CPOtracker system. CPO will assist the consultant through the sales and system
transfer/setup process and provide the consultant with a recurring commission on the sale.
The consultant could sell the CPOtracker system to the client upfront and receive a recurring commission. Optionally,
the consultant can contract with the client to develop their plans using the client’s CPOtracker license.